Health Educational Programs

Health is basically, each one’s own responsibility and primarily the doctor has the role of educator or teacher. All illness and misery is the result of lack of knowledge or ignorance. Today holistic health education is almost missing in all our curriculum. Therefore in order to create healthier society, health education is our priority.
At Anandkunj following health education programs of short-duration are offered for general public. These courses are conducted in Marathi, Hindi and English and anyone who wants the hone the skills of healthy living can participate in these courses.
Disease Specific Courses: In disease-specific-courses complete knowledge of disease causation, their prevention, complications and various holistic ways of healing is imparted. For various diseases different programs are announced.
Lifestyle based Courses: The dynamic balance of our health is largely based on our food (Ahara), physical activity (Vihara), living habits (Achara), and the mental attitude (Vichar). The lifestyle based programs such as holistic nutrition & cookery, stress management & meditation, art of harmonious relationships & family, holistic manipulative techniques, energy therapeutics etc. are popular courses of Anandkunj.
Pre-medical Training Programs
At Anandkunj we believe that each and every one must be equipped with the skills and methodology to be healthy and happy. Today even though literacy and education has reached grass root levels, we have observed that highly educated people are often ignorant or careless about holistic health. That means there is big need for dissemination of understanding of holistic-living among common people. Therefore Anandkunj is resolved to create a cadre of holistic health educators, workers and therapists.
In order to involve youngsters and also to create employment and noble source of livelihood, we have designed certain pre-clinical vocational courses.
- Certificate Course in Holistic Living (CCHS)
- Diploma in Holistic Healing (DHH)
- Diploma in Yoga Therapy (DYT)
- Diploma in auto-Urine Therapy (DUT)
- Diploma in Holistic Nutrition and Dietetics (DHND)
Professional Training Programs
Integrative medicine being new emerging science, since last few years there have been many enquiries for systematic training course. Since last 40 years the founders of Anandkunj have been successful in the management of chronic and unsolved cases using integrative modalities. This decade’s of experience, research and development needs to be passed on to new generation. For professionals of various medical disciplines (Modern-medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy & Yoga) presently following courses are offered.
- Integrative Medicine Houseman-ship Program (IMHP): This is full time three months residential course with theoretical and practical training in Integrative medicine.
- Diploma in Integrative Medicine (DIM): This is two years postgraduate course, which could be done distantly with mandatory three months in-house clinical training and a dissertation.
- Crash Courses: These are short term therapeutic training courses of one to two weeks duration in various holistic modalities such as acupressure & reflexology, acupuncture & moxibution, ortho-bionomy, pranic-energy therapies, osteopathy, chiropractic etc. The schedule of these courses is announced as per availability of eminent trainers.
Spiritual Retreats
The sole goal of every human being is SELF-realization (to know exactly who we are?) and SELF-expression (to express the qualities of true SELF). We all knowingly or unknowingly aspire for this goal. But when the true GURU comes in this journey becomes more intense and one-sided. At Anandkunj various spiritual retreats of Tej-Gyan-Foundation (Happy Thoughts) are conducted under auspicious guidance of an enlightened master – Tej Guru Sirshree Tej Parkhiji.